The Global Challenge of Textile Waste: Initiatives in Ghana and Grand Rapids Webinar APPROVED INT 100/201!

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Alumni, Community, Faculty, Staff, Students

Global Awareness Collaborative Colloquium - Ghana

"The fashion industry produces more clothing than we can consume and the Global North consumes more than they can use. At the end of fashion’s oversupplied linear economy is Kantamanto Market in Accra, Ghana, the largest secondhand clothing market in the world. If you have ever donated clothing to a charity shop or put your clothing in the “recycling” bin down the street, there’s a good chance your garments ended up here. … Every week, 15 million garments arrive from countries across the Global North and 40% leave as waste, often within one or two weeks of landing at port. This waste ends up in burn piles around the city, dumped in informal settlements where it pollutes the backyards of Accra’s most vulnerable citizens or it is washed out to sea."  From STOP WASTE COLONIALISM! website.

Register to receive webinar link (If you register with a GVSU email, you will need to use the “Sign In with SSO” button, then enter the domain "gvsu-edu." This will take you to a university login page.)

Panel: Samuel Oteng, Community Engagement Manager at the Or Foundation, and Janay Brower, Founder and CEO of Public Thread

Host: Chelsea Duball, Assistant Professor of Natural Resource Management

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The College of Education and Community Innovation
[email protected] or 616.331.6821


academic ceci global int100 int201

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